S.V. Demidov* , K.V. Kushnarev* , V.V. Shevchenko**
*Radiophysics Department , Russian People Friendship University ,
Mikluho-Maklay str. 6 , Moscow 117198 , Russia
**Institute of Radioengineering and
Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences,
Mokhovaya 11, Moscow 103907, Russia
Received April 28, 1999.
It is shown that all modes of these waveguides are cicularly polarised and are divided into two classes : with right- and left-handed circular polarisation . Modes of one class , which one depends on the sign of the chiral parameter of the waveguiding layer , can exist only in a limited interval of frequencies , so they have cut-offs both in lower and upper
parts of friequency range . Thus chiral waveguides can be signlepolarising not only in lower part of spectrum ( in singlemode operating regime ) but also in upper part of spectrum ( in multimode operating regime ) .
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