Analysis and synthesis of a waveguide slot antenna with a predetermined
amplitude distribution
V. I. Kalinichev
Institute of Radio-engineering and Electronics of RAS
The paper is received on December 1, 2015
Abstract. The problem of analysis and synthesis of a leaky
wave antenna on a rectangular waveguide with an equidistant array of dual slots
in the wide wall and predetermined amplitude field distribution along the waveguide
is considered.
Using the finite-element method, the calculations of the complex propagation
constant in periodic waveguide of
comparison are performed. Given the cosine
amplitude distribution,
the required slot lengths distribution along the array is
determined. For the synthesized antenna, the S-parameters, radiation and beam
scanning characteristics are computed in the 8.5-9.5 GHz band.
descending towards the edges of the aperture amplitude field
distribution yielded the reduced SLL and improved matching in the
frequency band.
Keywords: leaky-wave
antenna, complex propagation constant,
rectangular waveguide, nonuniform
slotted array, antenna synthesis.