of the Atmosphere Interaction with the Ocean Surface by Means of Satellite
Microwave Radiometry in the Resonance Bands
A. G. Grankov, A. A.
Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio-engineering and
Electronics of RAS
, Fryazino Branch
The paper is received on February 10, 2014
Abstract. A comparison of the
ship-borne data obtained in the NEWFOUEX-88 and ATLANTEX-90 experiments from
aboard the R/Vs Victor Bugaev, Musson, and Volna in the Newfoundland
energy-active zone in the North Atlantic and the data of the simultaneous
measurements of brightness temperature of the microwave natural radiation of
the ocean and atmosphere obtained with a SSM/I scanning radiometer from the US
F-08 DMSP meteorological satellite is presented. The brightness
temperature was found been clearly correlated with the synoptic variations of
the heat fluxes at the interface between the ocean and atmosphere, and the
enthalpy of the atmospheric boundary layer. The paper analyses the role of
regions of the radiowave`s resonant absorption in the atmospheric molecular
oxygen and water vapour, which are responsible for the formation of connection
between synoptic variations of the natural microwave radiation and surface heat
Keywords: satellite microwave
radiometry, system ²ocean-atmosphere², brightness temperature, surface
heat fluxes, atmospheric enthalpy.