Magnetic relaxation formation at elastic dissipation expense in
rotational magnetometer scheme
P. M.
Vetoshko, V. G. Shavrov, V. I. Shcheglov
Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of RAS
The paper is received on October 21, 2014
Abstract. The classic rotational
magnetometer scheme intended for weak magnetic field measuring is considered.
It is shown the importance of magnetic relaxation formation mechanism at
elastic waves excitation expense in magnetoelastic medium. It is investigated
the nonlinear task about the magnetization precession excitation in ferrite
plate having the magnetoelastic properties. It is shown that the ferromagnetic
resonance dissipation in the great degree is formed by the connection with
elastic medium. It is found the resonance line splitting the more pronounced
the more the magnetoelasticity constant is larger. For rotational magnetometer
there is shown the magnetic vibrations train excitation by rotational field
where the dissipation is formed by the elastic waves excitation.
Key words: weak magnetic field,
rotational magnetometer, magnetoelastic interaction, magnetic dissipation.