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Analysis of brain hypersynchronization activity during an epileptic discharge on the basis of EEG signal cone-shape kernel representation


V. Å. Antsiperov1, Yu. V. Obukhov 1, G. D. Kuznetsova 2, V. V. Gnezditskiy 3

1 Kotel′nikov Institute of Radio-engineering and Electronics of RAS

2 Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of RAS

3 Scientific Centre of Neurology of RAS


The paper is received on November 25, 2014


Abstract: In this article, we develop the previously proposed approach to the problem of cortical rhythms detection. For the analysis of epileptic discharges, which are the focus of the work previously proposed  one-parameter (frequency) representation is extended to the two-parameter (scale-frequency). This was done on the basis of reasoned model of epileptic discharges as a class broadband pulse signals with variable rhythm and repetition, perhaps changing the pulse shape. Bilateral interpretation of developed distribution - spectral, based on analytical spectra and time based on multi-scale assessment of the ACF is under discussion. At the end of the article we present the results of the analysis of real containing a fragment of an epileptic discharge EEG record.

Key words:  time−frequency EEG analysis, epileptic discharge, multiscale correlational analysis, analytic spectra.