Stochastic radar: the conditions of solution of detection, assessment and filtering
Yu. N.Gorbunov
Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of RAS,
Fryazino Branch
The paper is received on October 22, 2014
Abstract. We
consider the stochastic approach to solving
the problems of traditional
radar: detection, estimation, filtering. Stochastic
radar is based on
the concept of implementation in the
processing and formation of radar
signals artificial stochasticity,
assuming along with
the natural stochasticity, due to
the random nature of the input signals, the randomization
process conditions "technique
- transfer". This is - an introduction to the process of monitoring objectives and parameters processing
circuits signal generating random
parameters, procedures and components. Examples are: the wobble frequency of repetition rearrangement carrier frequency,
modulation quantization thresholds,
the use of stochastic quantization
scales and measuring, using standard random additives,
etc. This article analyzes the conditions
for resolving the key tasks of
radar - detection, estimation and filtering, and provides concrete examples of technical
applications relating to the new
field of "stochastic radar."
Keywords: stochastic
analog-to-digital conversion, the selection of moving targets, randomization, stochastic sampling
of time and space, the noise radar.