"JOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS" (Zhurnal Radioelektroniki ISSN 1684-1719, N 4, 2017

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Method  of recognition of radio silent air objects based on complex application of onboard radio engineering and radar complexes


S. F. Boev1, A. V. Timoshenko1, I. V. Chebotar2, M. T. Baldytchev2

 1 "Radio Engineering Institute of the name of academician A.L. Mintz", îpen joint stock company, 8 March str., 10-1, Moscow 127083, Russia

2 Cherepovets Higher Military Engineering School of Radio Electronics, Sovetsy prospekt 126, Cherepovets 162622, Russia


The paper is received on April 18, 2017


Abstract. The systems of air objects (AO) recognition used in radio engineering complexes (RTK) are based on data handling of the technical analysis of avionics radiations. Methods and algorithms used in these systems don't allow to realize radiationless (radio silent) recognition of ÀÎ. The article discloses the new method based on complex application of onboard radio engineering and radar complexes to recognize radio silent air objects in the conditions of provided radio-electronic suppression. The main idea is to detect the recognition signs, which were not used earlier in passive systems of radio engineering monitoring. That signs are velocity vector and effective scattering ÀÎ area, that are received by complex processing of bearing information and by spectrum analysis of intra pulse modulation parameters of  sublight radar signals reflected from radio silent ÀÎ with the sweep frequency modulation (SFM).

Keywords: air object, radio silent, onboard radio engineering and radar complexes, multiple-stations system, recognition system.


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For citation:

S. F. Boev, A. V. Timoshenko, I. V. Chebotar, M. T. Baldytchev. Method  of recognition of radio silent air objects based on complex application of onboard radio engineering and radar complexes. Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics, 2017, No. 4. Available at http://jre.cplire.ru/jre/apr17/8/text.pdf. (In Russian)