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Evaluation of the coupling coefficient of antennas in problems of EMC airborne radio electronic equipment perspective unmanned aircraft systems


D. A. Vedenkin, V. E. Latyshev, Yu. E. Sedelnikov

Kazan national research technical university named after A.N. Tupolev-KAI


The paper is received on December 2, 2014


Abstract The paper proposes a technique for estimating the antenna coupling coefficients of antennas for the radio control and navigation equipment of perspective UAVs, which is necessary for assessing compliance with electromagnetic compatibility. It is based on electrodynamic modeling of antennas at a sufficiently accurate reproduction of their design and geometric dimensions and a number of simplifying assumptions in the description of the electrodynamic model of antenna systems and object. In conclusion, the article presents data verification of the proposed models.

Key words: antenna coupling, electromagnetic compatibility, electrodynamic modeling, unmanned aerial vehicle.