"JOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS" (Zhurnal Radioelektroniki ISSN 1684-1719, N 12, 2017

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Methods and conditions for converting a compression filter of linearly frequency-modulated signals to a recursive form

V. S. Sherbakov


34 Gorkogo str., city of Balakhna 8, Nizhniy Novgorod region, 606408, Russia


The paper is received on November 4, 2017


Abstract. The features of matched filtering of linearly frequency modulated broadband signals (LFM) with a minimum number of performed arithmetic operations are considered. For this, the sum of the transfer function is represented as a double, embedded one into another, with the subsequent reduction of one of them to a simple algebraic expression. In this case, the number of arithmetic operations reduces dramatically, while the numerical value of the filter response remains unchanged. Methods are proposed and the conditions are determined for turning the transfer function of the LFM signal compression filter to a recursive form. In addition, the possibility of increasing the clock frequency is taken into account, which in some cases is necessary to reduce losses in digital processing, because in general, any time-limited signal has an infinitely decreasing spectrum. The estimation of the computational efficiency of the developed methods is given, which increases with the growth of the base of the chirped signal during its processing, and the trend of radar development is moving in the direction of increasing the complexity of the probe signal, i.e. increasing its base. The simulation is presented, confirming the identity of the chirped signal compression results similar to the processing in a compression filter with a recursive transfer function. At the same time, the hardware (software) costs reduced by five times for the implementation the chirped signal compression operation with a base of 100.  This allows you to reduce the hardware and dimensional characteristics of equipment, it’s power consumption and at the same time reduces processing time and improves reliability.

Keywords: radiolocation, matched filtering, broadband signal, transversal filter, recursive filter.


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For citation:

V. S. Sherbakov. Methods and conditions for converting a compression filter of linearly frequency-modulated signals to a recursive form. Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics, 2017, No. 12. Available at http://jre.cplire.ru/jre/dec17/3/text.pdf. (In Russian)