Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2023. 12

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A.G. Prygunov


Don State Technical University

344000, Russia, Rostov-on-Don, 1, Gagarin sq


The paper was received November 8, 2023.


Abstract. The relevance of the transition to a new element base for the construction of tele-communication systems and devices with improved technical characteristics based on photonics technologies, including holographic photonics, is shown. To improve the technical characteristics and expand the functionality of the equipment of telecommunication systems in the construction of their structures, it is proposed to use volumetric Fourier holograms. The principle of converting the information parameters of electrical signals in a photonic telecommunication de-vice with a volumetric Fourier hologram into the corresponding parameters of a holographic interferogram is formulated and a block diagram of this principle is developed. It is indicated that for the practical use of the principle of electro-optical signal conversion in photonic telecommunication devices with optical modulators and volumetric Fourier holograms in their design, each stage of the implementation of this principle must be considered as a separate task. The functional purpose of individual elements of the structural scheme of the transformation principle is described. Possible methods of modulation of the parameters of the luminous flux in a photonic telecommunication device with a volumetric Fourier hologram are shown. Variants of structural schemes of holographic pho-tonic devices with reflective and reflective-transmitting Fourier holograms, re-spectively, are presented. Mathematical relations are given that determine the nature of the distribution of the intensity of the light flux on the interferogram formed in the plane of the volumetric Fourier hologram. The influence of a volumetric Fourier hologram on the parameters of a coherent light flux is considered. It is noted that a holographic interferogram formed in the plane of a volumetric Fourier hologram is projected into the searchlight zone while maintaining the amplitude-phase relations between interfering light streams, but with a change in the scale of the projected interferogram. Recommendations on the use of the principle of signal conversion in photonic telecommunication devices using volumetric Fourier holograms have been developed. The influence of electro-optical and acousto-optical modulators of a coherent light flux with a spherical wavefront on the position of its phase center is explained. It is indicated that the sensitivity of the parameters of the holographic interferogram to changes in the voltage of the modulating electrical signal can be adjusted by changing the parameters of the elements of the optical circuit of the holographic photonic telecommunication de-vice and the recording conditions of the volumetric Fourier hologram. A reasonable conclusion is made about the feasibility of constructing photonic telecommunication devices using optical light flux modulators in combination with volumetric Fourier holograms.

Key words: photonics, telecommunication devices, transformation principle, principle scheme, modulation, volumetric Fourier hologram, interferogram.

Financing: the work was prepared as part of the research topic "Development of unmanned technologies based on complex stepwise optimization with extreme problem re-duction and neuro-fuzzy modeling tools (FZNE-202 2-0006)."

Corresponding author: Prygunov Alexander Germanovich,



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For citation:

Prygunov A.G. The principle of signal conversion in photonic telecommunication devices using volumetric Fourier holograms. // Journal of Radio Electronics. – 2023. – №. 12. (In Russian)