Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2023. ¹12

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broadband Microwave antenna array element
with polarization control


R.O. Ryazantsev, Y.P. Salomatov, S.V. Polenga,
A.A. Erokhin, E.R. Gafarov


Siberian Federal University

660041, Russia, Krasnoyarsk, Svobodnyi av., 79


The paper was received October 13, 2023.


Abstract. There is an increasing interest with domestic satellite communication and broadband access services [1]. An integral part of such systems are ground terminals, the operating frequencies of which includes centimeter and millimeter bands. These circumstances require timely development of client terminal antennas. The article is devoted to the study of a compact Orthomode transducer combined with radiating element of relatively small electrical size (up to ≈ 1 λ), which can be used as part of an antenna array of a terrestrial satellite communication terminal. The proposed solution will make it possible to create arrays with controlled polarization in a wide frequency range. According to the modeling results, the frequency overlap coefficient of 1.4 is achievable, which corresponds to 93% of the standard waveguide frequency range.

Key words: antenna array, satellite terminal hardware, orthomode transducer.

Financing: The study was carried out as part of the Siberian Federal University government assignment (number FSRZ-2023-0008).

Corresponding author: Ryazantsev Roman Olegovich,


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For citation:

Ryazantsev R.O., Salomatov Y.P., Polenga S.V., Erokhin A.A., Gafarov E.R. Broadband microwave antenna array element with polarization control. // Journal of Radio Electronics. – 2023. – ¹. 12. (In Russian)