Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2024. ¹12
Full text in Russian (pdf)
V.A. Golunov
Kotelnikov IRE RAS, Fryazino branch
141120, Russia, Fryazino, Vvedenskogo sq., 1
The paper was received September 11, 2024.
Abstract. In this work, we investigated the possibility of describing changes in the dielectric parameters of snow at the initial stage of its melting at frequencies of 22.2, 37.5, 94, 150 and 300 GHz. Four models of mixing air and spherical ice and liquid water inclusions were used: “dry snow-water”, “ice-water-air”, “wet ice-air” and “dry snow-water”. The effective permittivity of melting snow was calculated using the following formulas: Maxwell Garnett formula for a two-component “dry snow-water” mixture, a three-phase mixture formula for the “ice-water-air” model, Maxwell Garnett and Wiener formulas for a two-component “ice-water” mixture and Maxwell Garnett formula for the “wet ice-air” mixture. It has been established that the “wet ice-air” (using Wiener formula to calculate the effective permittivity of wet ice) and “ice-water-air” models lead to almost identical results, while the results of the other two models differ significantly. On the other hand, all models showed that the extremum of the the imaginary part of the relative effective permittivity spectrum is located at a frequency of 94 GHz. The applicability of the above models for calculating the absorption coefficient of melting snow with spherical ice and water inclusions was verified by the results of corresponding calculations using the Mie theory for practically non-scattering ice particles 10 μm in size with volume density of 0.2; 0.4 and volume density of water 0.005, 0.01, 0.02 and 0.03. It has been established that in the frequency band 22...300 GHz the frequency dependence of the absorption coefficient of melting snow is satisfactorily described by the “wet ice-air” model when using the Maxwell Garnett formula twice.
Key words: complex permittivity, microwaves, melting snow, absorption spectrum, Mie theory.
Financing: The work was carried out within the framework of the state task of the Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics (IRE) of Russian Academy of Sciences ¹ 075-01110-23-01.
Corresponding author: Golunov Valery Alekseevich,
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For citation:
Golunov V.A. Spectral dependence of the microwave absorption coefficient of melting snow. // Journal of Radio Electronics. – 2024. – ¹ 12. (In Russian)