ISSN 1684-1719,
2, 2017 |
Calculation of radiation characteristics
of the cylindrical Luneburg lens based on Green's functions for radially
inhomogeneous media
A. N. Korotkov, Y. E. Mitelman, V. A. Chechetkin, S. N. Shabunin
Federal State Autonomous
Educational Institution of Higher Education «Ural Federal University named
after the first President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin», 19 Mira street, Ekaterinburg 620002,
The paper is received on
December 7, 2016,
after correction - on February 10, 2017
The method of calculation of radiation characteristics of cylindrical Luneburg
lens, based on the Green's functions for cylindrical radially layered
magneto-dielectric structures is proposed in this paper. Electric, magnetic
dipoles and their combinations as field sources are discussed. Segments of
radial lines of electric and magnetic type, the matrix of transmission line
segments and boundaries between layers are used as a model of radially
inhomogeneous structure of the lens. For the calculation of the far field
characteristics of the antenna the method of steepest descent is used. The
proposed approach allowed creating compact and fast algorithms and programs
based on them. Comparison of different types of partitioning of the lens
structure based on the thickness and dielectric permittivity of the layers is
presented and designs, providing maximum gain with the minimum number of
layers, are proposed. Luneburg lens gain and radiation pattern for a Huygens
element as a radiator are shown. The results can be used to optimize the
structure of the lens according to the desired field and polarization
characteristics, and can be considered as a first, but sufficiently accurate,
approximation for electromagnetic simulators which takes into account the
specific design of the radiators.
This paper is dedicated to the proposed
method of calculation of the antenna parameters for Luneburg lens with
radiators of different types. The algorithm is based on Green’s function method
for radially layered structures. Fig. 2 presents different types of
partitioning of the lens. The comparison of gain of the system for different
types of partitioning and size of the lens are shown in Fig. 3. The calculated
radiation patterns are presented in Fig. 6 and 7.
words: Luneburg lens, Green's function,
radiation field, cylindrical lens, layered structure, antenna gain, radiation
For citation:
A.N.Korotkov, Y.E Mitelman, V.A.Chechetkin, S.N. Shabunin.
Calculation of
radiation characteristics of the cylindrical Luneburg lens based on Green's
functions for radially inhomogeneous media.. Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics,
2017, No. 2. Available at http://jre.cplire.ru/jre/feb17/8/text.pdf.
(In Russian)