"JOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS" (Zhurnal Radioelektroniki ISSN 1684-1719, N 2, 2018

contents of issue        DOI  10.30898/1684-1719.2018.2.7     full text in Russian (pdf)   

Mathematical models of relative movement of air objects for observation procedures in aviation airborne radars.

Part 1. Mathematical models in trajectory coordinate system


A. S. Bogachev, V. I. Merkulov, V.S. Chernov, S.B. Gusarov

ISC «Radio Engineering Corporation «Vega», Kutuzovsky prospect 34, Moscow 121170, Russia


The paper is received on February 12, 2018


Abstarct. At high light intensity modulation frequencies, the photodetector measures the integral energy of the pulsed radiation. In this case, the photoconductivity kinetics depends mainly on the rate of generation of charge carriers. Mechanisms of recombination of electrons and holes have little effect on the photocurrent. The article defines the conditions under which a photoresistor can be used to reconstruct the time shape of an optical signal.  The shape, frequency and intensity of the pulses vary in an arbitrary way. The method of reconstructing the shape of an optical signal is applicable if the intensity varies with frequency ω more than the inverse lifetime of the main charge carriers. That is, the frequency of the modulated optical pulses is higher than the limit frequency of the photodetector. The dependence of the light intensity on time is obtained from the dependence of the current strength on time. Parameters characteristic of a photodetector fabricated on the basis of Si with In, Ag and Au recombination centers are used in the calculations. Theoretical studies of distortions emerging upon the detection of modulated optical signals are performed. A region of frequencies is obtained for which the method of obtaining the dependence of the intensity of the exciting pulses on time is applicable. Increasing the modulation frequency reduces the magnitude of nonlinear, frequency and phase distortion.

Keywords: impulse excitation, mechanisms of recombination, kinetics of photoconductivity, linear distortion, nonlinear distortion, phase distortion, pulse recovery.


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For citation:
A. S. Bogachev, V. I. Merkulov, V.S. Chernov, S.B. Gusarov. Mathematical models of relative movement of air objects for observation procedures in aviation airborne radars. Part 1. Mathematical models in trajectory coordinate system. Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics. 2018. No. 2. Available at http://jre.cplire.ru/jre/feb18/5/text.pdf