Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2025. ¹2
Full text in Russian (pdf)
M.S. Vinogradov 1, B.G. Sverdlov 2
1 Moscow Aviation Institute
125993, Russia, Moscow, Volokolamsk highway, 4
2 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
117303, Russia, Moscow, Kerchenskaya str., 1A, building 1
The paper was received February 3, 2025.
Abstract. The aim of the study is to develop a method and synthesize an algorithm to minimize losses in the efficiency of adaptive space-time signal processing during circular rotation of the phased array. As a result of the conducted research, the effect of the non-stationary nature of the active noise interference source caused by the rotation of the antenna during the survey on the efficiency of adaptive space-time processing was shown. There is a justified need to use modified algorithms in the spatial processing system to compensate for this effect by eliminating the effect of suppression residues on the operation of coherent-time processing. It is proved that the well-known approach of freezing scales in the case of short-range radar may not be rational to use, since the rotation speed of the antenna is very high and the phased array source «exits» the formed gap before a coherent burst of pulses has time to accumulate for further temporary processing. A method is proposed for creating directional extended dips in the adaptive directional pattern of a phased array by modifying the training sample and adding virtual sources of active noise interference to it. Unlike known approaches, the proposed method does not require preliminary direction finding of real sources of active noise interference. An algorithm for creating additional samples and modifying them to obtain extended dips with the required characteristics is considered. The results of mathematical modeling of the work of the two considered methods are presented, the resulting beam forms are shown and based on the results of collecting and analyzing statistics, the effectiveness of the two methods is compared according to the energy criterion. An increase in the efficiency of short-range phased array radars using the proposed method is shown when exposed to active noise interference.
Key words: adaptive compensation of active noise interference, adaptive beamforming space-time processing, virtual noise sources, active noise interference expansion of the dips of the beam form.
Corresponding author: Vinogradov Maxim Sergeevich,
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For citation:
Vinogradov M.S., Sverdlov B.G. Method for supporting the efficiency operation of coherent time processing in short-time radar with phased array under the influence of active noise interference // Journal of Radio Electronics. – 2025. – ¹. 2. (In Russian)