Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2025. ¹2
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Bui Van Chung 1, V.A. Kaloshin 2
1 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
141700, Russia, Dolgoprudnyi, Institutskii per., 9
2 Kotelnikov IRE RAS, 125007, Russia, Moscow, Mokhovaya str., 11, str.7
The paper was received February 28, 2025.
Abstract. The influence of anisotropy of the average permittivity of a perforated structure in the form of a hexagonal lattice of round holes in a solid dielectric on the characteristics of an antenna based on a cylindrical perforated Mikaelyan lens was studied for different lens synthesis options. It was shown that phase aberrations in the lens aperture are minimal when synthesized according to the requirement of precise focusing of «ordinary» rays. The characteristics of an antenna based on a perforated Mikaelyan lens synthesized in this way were investigated. It was shown that anisotropy limits the maximum values of the antenna directivity, and the greater the permittivity of the material, the more strongly.
Key words: lens antenna, Mikaelyan lens, perforated dielectric, anisotropy.
Financing: The work was carried out using budget funding within the framework of the state task 0030-2019-006.
Corresponding author: Kaloshin Vadim Anatol'evich,
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For citation:
Bui Van Chung, Kaloshin V.A. Antenna based on an anisotropic Miêaelyan lens made of perforated dielectric // Journal of Radio Electronics. – 2025. – ¹. 2. (In Russian)