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Evaluation of parameters of super wideband multi-beam hybrid lens antenna


S. E. Bankov1,  A. G. Davydov 2, A. A. Kurushin 2

1 Kotelnikov Institute of Radio-engineering and Electronics of RAS

2 Moscow Design Bureau "Kompas"


The paper is received on November 30, 2015


Abstract. Results of investigation of super wideband multi-beam hybrid antenna on the base of Luneburg lens and a clustered array are presented. Forming cluster elementary radiators are excited by a multi-channel power divider. Applying approximate models the main parameters of the antenna: gain, main beam beam-width, radiation pattern, level of beam crossing are evaluated. Application of antenna Vivaldi array as a clustered array is discussed.

Keywords: super wideband antenna, multi-beam antenna, hybrid antenna, Luneburg lens, Vivaldi antenna, Vivaldi antenna array.