"JOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS" (Zhurnal Radioelektroniki ISSN 1684-1719, N 1, 2019

contents of issue      DOI  10.30898/1684-1719.2019.1.13    full text in Russian (pdf)  

Interleaving in channel coding: properties, structure, applications


A. Y. Barinov

Cherepovets Higher Military Engineering School of Radio Electronics,

Sovetskiy 126, Cherepovets 162622, Russia


The paper is received on December 17, 2018, after correction – on December 24, 2018


Abstract. Interleaving is an extremely important procedure in channel coding where we look for the longest distance between codewords. Nowadays there are many kinds of interleavers and their design depends upon the component codes and the application. However, in most cases, theory of interleavers is examined in a general or abstract way that can be equivocated.

In this paper, the author thoroughly examined interleavers from combination of mathematical and engineering standpoints. The basic properties of interleavers such as period, memory, latency, spreading factor and dispersion are presented. The proposed classification captures two parent classes of block and convolutional interleavers with division according to random, pseudorandom and deterministic generation process. Special attention is paid to S-random interleaver. Several schemes for efficient hardware realization of interleaving are presented. In addition, the graphical representation of the popular interleavers is depicted.

The author considers the usage of interleavers for error protection. Whereas in a conventional serial concatenated code an interleaver is used merely to spread out burst errors, the interleaver in modern iteratively decodable codes plays a far more important role. In general, in modern codes, deterministic interleavers can perform equal or better than pseudorandom interleavers if the size of the interleaver is small, and pseudorandom interleavers perform better than deterministic interleavers when the size of the interleaver is medium or large. Nevertheless capacity-approaching performances for modern codes are achieved using pseudorandom interleavers with period of order several thousand bits.

In conclusion, the author considers secondary usage of interleavers – for information security. Wireless telecom systems can be intercepted and monitored, as a result there are many technics of protection. A very high level of security may be obtained using combination of cryptography and steganography technics with channel coding. Enhanced security may be obtained using large pseudorandom interleavers in the channel coding. The evaluation of S-random interleavers diversity is also presented.

Key words: interleaving, interleaver, pseudorandom interleaver, S-random interleaver, interleaver properties, interleaver structure, applications of interleaving, noise immunity, information security


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For citation:

A. Y. Barinov. Interleaving in channel coding: properties, structure, applications. Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics. 2019. No. 1. Available at http://jre.cplire.ru/jre/jan19/13/text.pdf

DOI  10.30898/1684-1719.2019.1.13