Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2020. No. 1

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DOI 10.30898/1684-1719.2020.1.6

UDC 621.396.67

Ultra-range irradiating antenna array


G. G. Grachev, V. A. Kaloshin

Kotelnikov  Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of RAS, Mokhovaya str., 11/7, Moscow 125009, Russia


The paper is received on December 30, 2019


Abstract. In this paper, using the finite element method, we constructed an electrodynamic model of a flat two-dimensional finite array of TEM horns with metal-filled interstitial space and presented the results of a study of the radiation of array clusters with a different number of elements. The possibility of obtaining a 90-degree radiation pattern width in the E-plane (with a level of -10dB ..- 15dB at the edges) in the frequency range of more than 10: 1 upon excitation of clusters with the number of elements depending on the frequency range is shown. In this case for clusters with uniform excitation of elements, the presence of frequency ranges is shown where the level of the pattern goes beyond the limits of -10dB ..- 15dB. For these ranges, clusters with nonuniform excitation of elements are presented and investigated. The results of the study can be used for applicating such arrays as feed systems of hybrid antennas.

Keywords: ultra wide band antenna, over wave range antenna, feed antenna array, cluster.


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For citation:

Grachev G.G., Kaloshin V.A. Ultra-range irradiating antenna array. Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics. 2020. No. 1. Available at http://jre.cplire.ru/jre/jan20/6/text.pdf
DOI  10.30898/1684-1719.2020.1.6