Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2022. №1

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30898/1684-1719.2022.1.5

UDC: 621.396.677


Сalculation of double reflector mirror antenna
by physical optics method with taking into account multiple reflections


Е.I. Lavretski*, V.S. Chernyshov


Research Institute of Precise Constructions

127490, Moscow, ul. Dekabristov, vladeniye 51


The paper was received November 14, 2021.


Abstract. Calculation of a double reflector Cassegrain antenna by physical optics method with taking into account multiple reflections between the reflector and the subreflector was performed. It was shown that the convergence of antenna characteristics (gain, antenna efficiency, side-lobe level) with the increase of accounting reflections is observed. To check the method of multiple reflections the same Cassegrain antenna was calculated by the method of electric field integral equation with the unknown surface electric currents on the reflector and the sub-reflector. The comparison showed the coincidence of the result obtained by two different methods. The calculation of gain and efficiency of a Cassegrain antenna in frequency range from 1 to 10 GHz was performed by physical optics method with multiple reflections.

Key words: Cassegrain reflector antenna, physical optics method, multiple reflections, electrical field integral equation (EFIE).

Corresponding author: Lavretskii Evgenii Izidorovich, e.lavretski@mail.ru


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For citation:

Lavretski E.I., Chernyshov V.S. Сalculation of double reflector mirror antenna by physical optics method with taking into account multiple reflections. Zhurnal Radioelectroniki [Journal of Radio Electronics] [online]. 2022. №1. https://doi.org/10.30898/1684-1719.2022.1.5 (In Russian)