Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2023. №1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30898/1684-1719.2023.1.5
Active phased array antennas
– state of the art and future trends
A.V. Shishlov, V.V. Denisenko, B.A. Levitan, S.A. Topchiev, A.M. Shitikov
PJSC “Radiofizika”, 125363, Russia, Moscow, Geroev Panfilovcev str., 10
The paper was received October 24, 2022
Abstract. Modern radio systems with active phased array antennas (APAA) are created in a wide frequency range from the meter range of wavelength to the millimeter range. Due to the development of technology, they are becoming cheaper, lighter and more compact both applying of very large-scale integration circuits and using tile layout. The reduction in price is achieved, in particular, due to the use of silicon-germanium substrates (SiGe) in microcircuits, which are used in computer technologies, instead of gallium arsenide substrates (GaAs). The ones can have both radio frequency and digital circuits. The chip can be combined with microwave power amplifiers on GaN or SiC and low-noise receivers on GaAs. In price terms, the number of commercial radio systems being created with APAA on SiGe has already become greater than the number of special-purpose radio systems being created with APAA on GaAs.
Key words: active phased array antennas, digital antenna array, digital beam forming, optical beam forming.
Corresponding author: Shishlov Aleksandr Vasilevich, shishlov54@mail.ru
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For citation:
Shishlov A.V., Denisenko V.V., Levitan B.A., Topchiev S.A., Shitikov A.M. Active Phased Array Antennas – State of the Art and Future Trends. Zhurnal radioelektroniki [Journal of Radio Electronics] 2023. №1. https://doi.org/10.30898/1684-1719.2023.1.5 (in Russian)