Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2025. ¹1


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FOR marine emergency beacon


L.I. Kalyuzhny 1, A.A. Savochkin 2, V.V. Golovin 2, Y.N. Tyschuk 2


1 LLC «Uranis», 299053, Russia, Sevastopol, Vakulenchuk str., 33-G

2 Sevastopol State University, 299053, Russia, Sevastopol, Universitetskaya str., 33


The paper was received October 29, 2024.


Abstract. In the article the results of the development of two modifications of planar antennas for marine emergency beacons are presented. The operating frequencies of the antennas are 121.5 MHz, 162 MHz and 406 MHz. The antennas dimensions are corresponding to the seat in the case of a commercially available radio beacon. High-quality matching with the use of LC filters is implemented at three operating frequencies. The implemented matching assures the possibility of using the radio beacon in various environments – in water and free space. Local resonances of the antennas input resistances are obtained at low frequencies. This made it possible to expand the matching bands and at the relevant operating frequencies. It also made it possible to increase the gain at these frequencies. According to the radiation characteristics, the developed antennas fully meet the requirements for emergency beacon antennas. The advantages of the antenna include the following. The antennas have a planar structure. Compared to existing analogues, the antennas have an increased gain at lower operating frequencies. The dimensions of the developed antennas are 202×34×1.5 mm. The radiating flat line of the Z-01 antenna model is made in the form of a meander (Z-shaped). To increase the electrical length of the Z-01 antenna, metallization was added on the back of the substrate, covering the area of horizontal segments of the radiating line. As a result, the horizontal sections of the radiating line are segments of non-radiating asymmetric microstrip lines. These waveguides are periodic inhomogeneities for the antenna radiating structure itself. The presence of such inhomogeneities causes the appearance of additional resonances of the antenna input impedance, which makes it possible to improve the antenna matching characteristics at lower operating frequencies. The design of the Z-02 model differs from the Z-01 in that distributed capacitive loads are introduced on the horizontal microstrip sections of the Z-shaped line to increase its electrical length. These equivalent capacities are implemented as a distributed counter-comb structure.

Key words: radio beacon antenna, emergency radio beacon, three-band planar antenna, matching filter.

Corresponding author: Golovin Vladislav Viktorovich,




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For citation:

Kalyuzhny L.I., Savochkin A.A., Golovin V.V., Tyschuk Y.N. Planar three-band antenna for marine emergency beacon // Journal of Radio Electronics. – 2025. – ¹.1. (In Russian)