Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2025. ¹1


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A.G. Prygunov, S.V. Lazarenko


Don State Technical University,
344000, Russia, Rostov-on-Don, Gagarin sq., 1


The paper was received October 16, 2024.


Abstract. Regardless of the design of acoustic signal transducers in the process of acoustoelectric conversion of sound pressure into electrical signals there are shortcomings that lead to deterioration of the technical characteristics of these devices. In the process of conversion there are always nonlinear distortions, the dynamic range of such transducers, their sensitivity and nominal frequency range with permissible nonlinearity of the amplitude-frequency response are limited by circuitry, there is electrical noise, there is a predisposition to self-excitation, there is the so-called “microphone effect”. Methods of improving the basic technical characteristics of such devices lead, as a rule, to a strong complication of their design, increase in power consumption and increase in mass and dimensional characteristics. At the same time, it is relevant to form the output signals of acoustoelectric receiver-converters (ARC) directly in the digital form of representation and with the mandatory fulfillment of regulatory requirements to the basic technical characteristics of these devices. The article presents a possible variant of ARC design, which fully meets the requirements to the technical characteristics of such a device by using in its design a mechanical sensitive element in the form of a membrane in combination with a holographic interferometer based on the spatial-spectral method of holographic interferometry. The structural scheme of the directional noise-resistant photonic holographic ARC is developed, the advantages of its design are formulated and substantiated. The algorithm of holographic ARC functioning is described. By means of mathematical modeling the sensitivity of holographic ARC to movements of its membrane is estimated. A high level of this sensitivity is shown graphically. A reasonable conclusion is made that there is a possibility of unambiguous and accurate registration of ARC membrane displacements regardless of the amplitude of these displacements, which provides high technical characteristics of the holographic ARC.

Key words: acoustic signal receiver, photonics, membrane, Fourier hologram, thin lens, sensitivity, dynamic range, frequency range.

Financing: The study was conducted under the research topic “Development of Unmanned Technologies Relying on Complex Step-by-step Optimization with Extremal Problem Reduction and Neuro-fuzzy Modeling Tools (FZNE-2022-0006).

Corresponding author: Prygunov Aleksandr Germanovich,



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For citation:

Prygunov A.G., Lazarenko S.V. Photon holographic acto-electric receiver-converter. // Journal of Radio Electronics. – 2025. – ¹. 1. (In Russian)