Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2025. №1
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Analysis of characteristics of reflection-symmetric
strip structure in differential mode
S.V. Vlasov, Y.S. Zhechev, A.M. Zabolotsky
Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics,
634050, Russia, Tomsk, Ave. Lenina, 40.
The paper was received September 3, 2024.
Abstract. Nowadays, huge amounts of data are being transmitted in differential mode using LVDS, USB, CAN, RS-485 and Ethernet standards. Semiconductor elements and components in the receiving and transmitting circuits of data interfaces are vulnerable to ultra-wideband (UWB) pulses. This paper considers the possibility of reducing the level of UWB interference by means of a modal filter operating in differential mode. Electrodynamic simulations were performed to obtain S-parameters, which were used to analyze time and frequency characteristics. The attenuation of the UWB interference by 6.19 times is shown. To evaluate the danger of interference, the analysis of N-norm values was performed, which showed that the investigated structure allows reducing the danger of UWB interference for the equipment. The values of N-norms decreased as follows: N1 by 6.19 times, N2 by 10.18 times, N3 by 1.51 times, N4 by 4.32 times, and N5 by 5.1 times. The signal integrity has been analyzed and eye diagrams have been obtained for this purpose. It is revealed that for bit rates up to 1350 Mbit/s significant distortions of the useful signal are not observed.
Key words: strip structure, noise protection devices, electrodynamic modeling, ultra-wideband interference, differential mode, useful signal, N-norms.
Financing: This work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation at TUSUR under Project FEWM-2024-0005.
Corresponding author: Sergey Vladislavovich Vlasov,
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For citation:
Vlasov S.V., Zhechev Y.S., Zabolotsky A.M. Analysis of characteristics of reflection-symmetric strip structure in differential mode. // Journal of Radio Electronics. – 2025. – №. 1. (In Russian)