Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2025. ¹1
Full text in Russian (pdf)
D.V. Kurganov 1,2, P.N. Zakharov 1,2, D.S. Demin 2
1 Faculty of Physics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
119991, Moscow, Leninskie Gory
2LLC «Microwave Electronics» (INWAVE)
119607, Moscow, Ramensky Boulevard, Building 1
The paper was received September 20, 2024.
Abstract. An algorithm for assessing the quality of an FSK signal has been developed, based on minimizing the square of the difference between the measured and reference signals with respect to distortion parameters. It is shown that the algorithm allows for the determination of such FSK signal parameters as carrier offset, deviation error, and carrier frequency drift. The process of vector analysis is studied, including preprocessing, demodulation, signal recovery, and correction. The algorithm’s performance is considered for both pure FSK signals and GFSK signals, as well as FSK with Gaussian filtering.
Key words: vector signal analysis, FSK, GMSK, Gaussian filtering.
Corresponding author: Kurganov Daniil Vladimirovich,
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For citation:
Kurganov D.V., Zakharov P.N., Demin D.S. Vector analysis of FSK signals. // Journal of Radio Electronics. – 2025. – ¹. 1. (In Russian)