"JOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS" (Zhurnal Radioelektroniki ISSN 1684-1719, N 6, 2016

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Misphased horn feed with the fracture of lateral side and the slant of the aperture
for reflector MAK-5M


N. P. Balabukha 1, N. L. Menshikh 1,2, V. S. Solosin 1

1 Institute of Theoretical and Applied Electrodynamics RAS

2 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University)


The paper is received on May 25, 2016

Abstract. Misphased horn feed for compact range MAK-5M is investigated. The slant of the horn aperture in the vertical plane obtains the nonaxisymmetrical radiation pattern. The form of the diagram help to achieve uniform field distribution on the surface of the reflector. The radiation pattern has a region with approximately constant value of the amplitude of the field in the horizontal plane due to the fracture of lateral side of the horn. Angle of the slant and flare angle of the big horn are optimized for making the best form of radiation pattern.

Electrodynamic calculation was carried out by the method of the integral equations (method of moments) using FEKO. Using cluster of ITAE RAS allowed carrying out simulation of the field distribution in the quite zone of the compact range in all frequency range. The system of horn feed and reflector is considered in free space, the reflection from the chamber walls are not taken into account.

Compact range MAK-5M with misphased horn feed will be in the quit zone diameter of 2.5 m non-uniformity field not exceeding ± 1 dB, and the phase of the non-uniformity of less than 10°. It is mean the compact range with misphased horn feed allows you to expand the quite zone of the about 25% in the frequency band from 9.8 to 12 GHz.

Keywords: feed reflector, compact range, computer modeling by FEKO.


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