"JOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS" (Zhurnal Radioelektroniki ISSN 1684-1719, N 6, 2017

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About the criterion of ensuring security of radar operation by passive methods


N. S. Akinshin 1, R. P. Bystrov 2, V. L. Menshikov 3


1 JSC Central design Bureau of apparatus building, Demonstratsii 36, Tula 300034, Russia

2 Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of RAS, Mokhovaya 11-7, Moscow 125009, Russia

3 Ministry of Defence of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia


The paper is received on May 23, 2017


Abstract. The major problem of creation of modern RES is the increase of their security and visibility from equipment of radio engineering investigation (RTR) of the contradictory party. In the range of radio waves it is reached by creation of the low-reflecting designs of antenna systems of radar-tracking systems (RTS) in various frequency ranges and decrease of radiation level of onboard radio equipment of radio-electronic means (RES) to background level. Methods of calculation of levels of radiation of RTS for the basic and lateral lobes of the directional pattern of antennas are well investigated and the bibliography on the specified question totals tens numbers. However, the big variety of the RTS types and conditions of their supervision by means of RTR leads to insufficient research of the problems of a choice of types and characteristics of the probing RTS signals for ensuring security by passive methods. Therefore the purpose of work is the formation of requirements to the power of the probing signal (PS) of RTS for ensuring security of its functioning and the analysis of the required time of coherent accumulation when using difficult PS. The criterion of ensuring security of RTS operation by passive methods is investigated. Calculations of the maximum values of peak power of the probing signal in the absence of influence of an interferential multiplier and losses during distribution, taking into account characteristics of modern receivers of radio engineering investigation, are carried out. Requirements to time of coherent accumulation are formulated. It is shown that for implementation of these requirements it is necessary to use  RTS with adaptive existential coherent accumulation.  Passive methods really provide security of operation on lateral lobes of the directional pattern of RLS.

Keywords: radar-tracking system, antenna, directional pattern, ńoherent accumulation.


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For citation:

N. S. Akinshin, R. P. Bystrov, V. L. Menshikov. About the criterion of ensuring security of radar operation by passive methods. Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics, 2017, No. 6. Available at http://jre.cplire.ru/jre/jun17/4/text.pdf. (In Russian)