оглавление выпуска         DOI  10.30898/1684-1719.2019.6.1     текст статьи (pdf)   

УДК 621.385.624

Трёхмерное моделирование процессов усиления в многолучевом клистроне

Р. В. Егоров, В. Л. Саввин

Московский Государственный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова, физический факультет, 119991, Москва, Ленинские горы, д. 1, стр.2


Статья поступила в редакцию 23 мая 2019 г.


Аннотация.  Впервые проведено трёхмерное моделирование электронных процессов в мощных многолучевых клистронах, вызванное  необходимостью детального анализа процессов усиления с целью нахождения объективных физических причин ограничения КПД. Результаты проведенного трехмерного моделирования процессов усиления показали, что в различных каналах они проходят по-разному, распределение СВЧ поля является неравномерным, заметное влияние оказывает несимметричность устройств связи для ввода и вывода энергии, а также высшие моды колебаний в применяемых сверхразмерных резонаторах.

Ключевые слова: многолучевые клистроны, трехмерное моделирование, группировка.

Abstract. Three-dimensional modeling of electronic processes in powerful multibeam klystrons was performed for the first time, caused by the need for  detailed analysis of the amplification processes. The main purpose of the simulation was to identify the main physical factors limiting the efficiency of signal amplification in multibeam structures, rather than optimizing the parameters of a particular klystron in order to achieve maximum efficiency. The 40-beam nine-resonator BAC – klystron with an electron beam power of 10.4 MW, operating at a frequency of 2.99 GHz. was chosen as prototype of the model. The results of the three-dimensional simulation of amplification processes showed that beams in different channels propagate  differently  and calculation of  output parameters of multibeam klystrons cannot be performed  by "mechanicaly" multiplication of optimized results obtained in single-beam programs by the number of beams. The results obtained gave a possibility to observe a three-dimensional "picture" of electronic processes in a multibeam klystron for the first time, although the calculated efficiency values differed from the experimental values. This is due to the fact that during simulation a constant level of the external focusing magnetic field 850 GS was used. In the experiment, the value of the magnetic field increased along the device from 850 up to 1350 Gs. Therefore, in the simulation, the electron bunches were less compact before the entrance of output resonator decreasing the final efficiency. In addition, the simulation demonstrated  that the input loop reduces the amplitude of high-frequency fields and characteristic resistance in the channels of the input resonator, causing a significant difference in the amplitude of the electric field of the main mode in different channels. Therefore, the electrons in the channels located near the power input are grouped worse and experience weaker braking in the output resonator. In the experimental prototype these disadvantages have been eliminated "manually" by tuning of the resonator. Thus, the results of the three-dimensional simulation of multibeam klystron showed that amplification processes occur in different ways at different channels, the distribution of the microwave field is non-uniform, the asymmetry of the input and output coupling devices has a noticeable effect, as well as the higher modes of oscillations in the used oversized resonators.

Key words: multibeam klystrons, three-dimensional modeling, grouping.


Для цитирования:
Р. В. Егоров, В. Л. Саввин. Трёхмерное моделирование процессов усиления в многолучевом клистроне. Журнал радиоэлектроники [электронный журнал]. 2019. № 6. Режим доступа: http://jre.cplire.ru/jre/jun19/1/text.pdf

DOI  10.30898/1684-1719.2019.6.1