Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2024. №6


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E.B. Chernikova


Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics

Lenina Ave., 40, 634050, Russia


The paper was received April 8, 2024.


Abstract. Transmission lines are significant elements and play an important role in determining the performance, reliability and functionality of radio electronics. A number of factors appearing in the use of transmission lines can lead to problems in the field of electromagnetic compatibility. One such factor is the appearance of asymmetry due to inhomogeneities, PCB manufacturing errors, dense tracing, mismatch, etc. The paper considers the effect of asymmetry on the characteristics of transmission lines with inhomogeneous dielectric filling. It is found that asymmetry of cross section and/or boundary conditions leads to the appearance of combinational pulses. Combination pulses are of interest because their arrival times do not correspond to the per-unit-length delays of the modes propagating in the transmission lines, but consist of their combinations. Their level may be comparable to the level of information signals, which may result in distortion or loss of useful information. Meanwhile, asymmetry and the resulting combinational pulses represent a new resource for improving the performance of devices based on transmission lines, which can be used to protect radio electronics from electromagnetic interference of picosecond and nanosecond duration. For the first time the optimization of parameters taking into account combinational pulses is carried out on the example of three diagrams of symmetric multiconductor transmission lines with asymmetry of termination loads: reflection symmetric and with a reference conductor in the form of side polygons. Using the genetic algorithm, the optimal parameters are obtained, which allow to reduce the value of the maximum amplitude by 1.5 times, as well as the parameters allowing to increase in 2 times the minimum value of the time interval between the decomposition pulses, on which depends the possibility of complete decomposition of the interference pulse, compared to the value obtained in the initial diagram with optimized parameters, where there are no combinational pulses at the same device dimensions. The optimization results demonstrate the efficiency of using the resource of combinational pulses to improve protective structures based on transmission lines with inhomogeneous dielectric filling.

Key words: radio electronics, electromagnetic compatibility, transmission lines, time response, combinational pulses, optimization.

Financing: The research was funded by the Russian Science Foundation, project 22-79-00187, at TUSUR and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, project FEWM 2024-0005.

Corresponding author: Chernikova Evgeniya Borisovna,


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For citation:

Chernikova E.B. Parametric optimization of asymmetric multiconductor transmission lines taking into account combinational pulses // Journal of Radio Electronics. – 2024. – №. 6. (In Russian)