Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2024. №6


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mode locking REGIMES
in a traveling wave tube with a feedback circuit


M.N. Vilkov, A.A. Ivanov, R.M. Rozental


Federal Research Center A.V. Gaponov-Grekhov Institute of Applied Physics
of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
603950, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, Ul'yanov str., 46


The paper was received April 3, 2024.


Abstract. The generation of sequences of short correlated pulses in a traveling wave tube (TWT) with a feedback circuit in mode locking regime are considered. It is shown that in a system with parameters corresponding to an experimentally implemented W-band TWT with a linear feedback circuit, it is possible to generate pulses whose peak intensity is several times the average power level. In turn, a significant increase in the peak pulse intensity can be achieved by adding a saturable absorber to the feedback circuit.

Key words:  traveling wave tube, mode locking, short pulse generation.

Financing: The work is supported by the state task FFUF-2024-0027.

Corresponding author: Rozental Roman Markovich,


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For citation:

Vilkov M.N., Ivanov A.A., Rozental R.M. Mode locking regimes in a traveling wave tube with a feedback circuit. // Journal of Radio Electronics. – 2024. – №. 6 (In Russian)