Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2024. №6


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A.L. Timofeev, A.Kh. Sultanov, I.K. Meshkov, A.R. Gizatulin


Ufa University of Science and Technology
450076, Russia, Ufa, Z. Validi Street, 32


The paper was received April 5, 2024.


Abstract. Two options for using previously developed holographic coding to increase the reliability of information transmission in a communication channel with an unmanned aerial vehicle are considered – digital channel coding and spectral coding. It is shown that the holographic code has high noise immunity and provides a probability of correct decoding of more than 0.9999 with a probability of error in the channel of 0.34. Spectral holographic coding ensures reliable communication in the presence of noise and intentional interference, the power of which is 10 dB higher than the signal power, which in turn ensures the secrecy of the communication channel. An additional advantage of spectral coding is increased resistance to intersymbol interference, which makes it possible to eliminate the introduction of guard intervals and increase spectral efficiency, and reduces the requirements for stability of the sampling frequency when performing FFT in the receiver demodulator.

Key words: noise immunity, holographic coding, spectral coding, intersymbol interference.

Financing: The study was supported by the grant of Russian Science Foundation № 24-29-00080,

Corresponding author: Timofeev Aleksandr Leonidovich,


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For citation:

Timofeev A.L., Sultanov A.Kh., Meshkov I.K., Gizatulin A.R. Application of holographic coding to increase the reliability of information transmission in noise communication channels. // Journal of Radio Electronics. – 2024. – №. 6 (In Russian)