Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2024. №6


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S.I. Ziatdinov, O.I. Krasilnoikva


St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation,
190000, Russia, St. Petersburg, Bolshaya Morskaya st., 67



The paper was received April 5, 2024.


Abstract. Introduction – The operation of an adaptive coherent detection system is considered. The structure of a processing device is presented, containing a series-connected shaper of quadrature signal components that convert high-frequency input radio signals to video frequency, an adaptive multi-channel coherent storage device with threshold devices. Goal To study the influence of amplitude and phase mismatches of quadrature channel parameters, which are inevitable in practice, on the operation of an adaptive coherent detection system. Formulation of the problem Determine the spectral-correlation characteristics of the processed signals when the parameters of the quadrature channels are mismatched. Assess the influence of amplitude and phase deviations of the parameters of quadrature channels on the characteristics of a coherent detection system. Method The complex variable method is used, in which the input high-frequency signals are represented at the video frequency by a pair of complex conjugate real components, shifted in phase by ninety degrees. Results A model of the processed signal is presented at the video frequency, taking into account possible mismatches in the parameters of quadrature channels in practice. Expressions are obtained and graphs of the spectral density of the complex signal are plotted separately for the amplitude and phase mismatch of the quadrature channels. It is shown that the mismatch of quadrature channels leads to the appearance in the spectrum of the output signal of phase detectors of a component at a frequency that is the mirror frequency of the signal, which leads to an increase in the probability of false detection. The results of calculations of the probability of false detection of a signal depending on the deviation of the transmission coefficients of the quadrature channels and the phase mismatch of the reference voltages of the quadrature channels are presented. Conclusion The significant influence of amplitude and phase mismatches of the parameters of quadrature channels on the spectral-correlation characteristics of the complex signal is shown. The mismatch of the parameters of the quadrature channels leads to deterioration in the detection characteristics of the coherent processing system. The research methodology used allows us to develop requirements for the quality of tuning quadrature channels.

Keywords: coherent detector, tuning errors, complex signal, detection characteristics.

Corresponding author: Ziatdinov Sergey Ilyich,


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For citation:

Ziatdinov S.I., Krasilnikova O.I. Characteristics of detection of a coherent system with matching of quad channels. // Journal of Radio Electronics. – 2024. – №. 6. (In Russian)