оглавление выпуска        DOI  10.30898/1684-1719.2018.3.2      текст статьи (pdf)    

УДК 621.374.33

Разработка и исследование системы радиоимпульсной регенерации для устройств высокоскоростной стробоскопической оцифровки


К. А. Бойков

Московский технологический университет (МИРЭА), 119454, Москва, просп. Вернадского, 78


Статья поступила в редакцию 13 марта 2018 г.


Аннотация. Показаны основные этапы разработки и проектирования схемы электрической принципиальной системы радиоимпульсной регенерации для высокоскоростной стробоскопической оцифровки, позволяющей восстановить и воспроизвести одиночный сверхкороткий радиоимпульс нестационарной конфигурации в задачах радиовидения. Сформулировано обоснование выбора электронной компонентной базы, приведен расчет основных блоков и узлов системы. Построена схемотехническая PSpice-модель системы в среде Proteus. Исследована устойчивость циклогенеративного усилителя. Рассмотрен пример регенерации сложного одиночного сверхкороткого радиоимпульса без несущего частотного заполнения, полученного в результате отражения зондирующего сигнала от идеально проводящей сферы. Выполнен корреляционный анализ исходного и восстановленного импульсов, посредством модели строб-фрейм-дискретизатора в графической среде имитационного моделирования Simulink. Указаны основные недостатки системы и предложены пути их устранения.

Ключевые слова: сверхкороткоимпульсный сигнал, циклогенеративная система, масштабно-временное преобразование, строб-фрейм-дискретизация, радиовидение.

Abstract. Stroboscopic reception eliminates the possibility to process non-stationary ultrashort pulses, since a series of absolutely identical pulses is needed to correctly restore the original time profile. Reconstruction of the non-stationary ultrashort pulse signal from one pulse will solve the concealment problems in the systems of the radio vision, and will also allow to restore the reflection from the object that is rapidly changing its position in space.

One of the methods for restoring and reproducing a complex single ultrashort pulse can be considered the use of a radio-pulse regeneration system (a cyclo-system). To confirm the functioning of this system, its hardware implementation is necessary. For a detailed demonstration of the basic principles of the operation of the radio-impulse regeneration system, it is advisable to limit its operation in the frequency band 20-200 MHz with the processing of a SCI with a duration of 5-50 ns, since recording of shorter single pulses without the use of stroboscopic reception methods is very difficult.

The selection and calculation of the elemental base for constructing the electrical schematic diagram is determined by the basic elements of the cyclo-system of the system - a broadband amplifier and a high-speed turn-key.

Based on the main significant parameters, the amplifier of the company Analog Devises - AD8000 is offered as an amplifier, as a high-speed switch - the switch SPDT HMC197b (Analog Devises). Also in the scheme is used digital delay and control on high-speed inverters 74HС04 (Texas Instruments), analog delay line on coaxial cable RG-213 with a wave resistance of 50 Ohm, the length of which is calculated. The attenuator is selected as passive, with ohmic total impedance of the arms, calculated on the basis of the load capacity and the need to match the input and output of the video amplifier.

When the basic conditions for signal regeneration are fulfilled and the input and output of the amplifier of the cycling system are matched, the damped pulse is re-amplified through the time of the delay line and the cycle repeats.

A model of a radio-impulse regeneration system is constructed in a circuit simulation environment based on the models of electronic components adopted in PSpice, for example, Proteus of Labcenter Electronics. With the help of this model, one of the basic conditions for the functioning of the cyclogenetic system has been checked: the absence of an involuntary self-excitation of the amplifier of the system, that is, stability. For this purpose, the phase-frequency characteristic of the amplifier with feedback and the amplitude-frequency characteristic of the amplifier without feedback in the entire frequency range of operation were constructed. After checking and confirming the stability of the amplifier with a phase and amplitude margin, the functioning of the developed system in the regeneration mode of a complex single radio pulse obtained by reflection from an ideally conducting sphere is shown.

Based on the generated pulses, the original signal is reconstructed using a sampler-frame sampler model in the Simulink simulation simulation environment, followed by a correlation analysis of the original and reconstructed pulse.

The PSpice model of the radio pulse regeneration system confirmed its viability, as well as the possibility of restoring a complex non-stationary signal by a single pulse.

Keywords: ultrashort impulse signal, cyclogenerative system, scale-time transformation, strobe-frame-sampling, radioview.


Для цитирования:

К. А. Бойков. Разработка и исследование системы радиоимпульсной регенерации для устройств высокоскоростной стробоскопической оцифровки. Журнал радиоэлектроники [электронный журнал]. 2018. №3. Режим доступа: http://jre.cplire.ru/jre/mar18/6/text.pdf

DOI  10.30898/1684-1719.2018.3.2