"JOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS" (Zhurnal Radioelektroniki ISSN 1684-1719, N 3, 2019

contents of issue      DOI  10.30898/1684-1719.2019.3.10     full text in Russian (pdf)  

UDC 576:532.59

Microwave irradiation modifies the ultraweak luminescence of cell life products


K. D. Kazarinov, A. V. Chekanov

Fryasino branch of Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Vvedensky Sq., 1, Fryazino, Moscow region, 141190 Russia


 The paper is received on March 4, 2019


Abstract. The registration of ultraweak luminescence method is used to control a variety of different objects in studying the biological effects of microwave radiation on a number of systems. This method appears to be highly promising for the analysis of lipid peroxidation (LPO) and in other reactions involving reactive oxygen species (ROS). It was discovered that EHF irradiation under different ways initiation, causes acceleration of LPO. It is necessary to note that an enhanced content of LPO products in the samples after EHF irradiation was  observed at intensities not exceeding 1 mW/cm2. The mechanism of the observable effect may be connected with the acceleration of accession of oxygen from air to the suspension. Ex vivo studies of blood cell in whole blood samples is the best way to model the in vivo situation in blood. Our study demonstrates that MMW radiation did not affect blood cells and platelets in untreated blood but increased substantially the response of neutrophils in blood treated with particulate agonists – opsonized zymosan (OZ ) or bacteria E. coli. Microwave heating of blood appears to be the dominant mechanism in enhancing the reaction of neutrophils, together with the response of LPO of skin cell membranes to agonists under chosen experimental conditions (ÅHF EMR-induced oxidative stress). Heating of the tissues occurs at shallow depths. The temperature increases slowly and varies only slightly. This property of microwave radiation suggests the possibility of using it for targeted local therapy with minimal side effects and damage to surrounding tissues. For example, using EHF EMR for targeted regulation of local inflammatory processes in small areas of the skin without damaging healthy tissue. MMW irradiation of infected area can promote the activation of neutrophils in the wound resulting in the local potentiation of neutrophil antimicrobial activity. On the other hand, our results show the necessity of gentle employment of EHF EMR for therapy in patients with infection diseases.

Key words: extremely high frequencies (EHF), lipid peroxidation (LPO), reactive oxygen species (ROS), ultraweak luminescence, skin cell membranes, luminol-dependent chemiluminescence (CL), heating effect.


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For citation:

K.D. Kazarinov, A.V. Chekanov. Microwave irradiation modifies the ultraweak luminescence of cell life products. Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics. 2019. No. 3. Available at http://jre.cplire.ru/jre/mar19/10/text.pdf

DOI  10.30898/1684-1719.2019.3.10