A method for determining the concentration of oil products in water by
means of millimeter waves
E. E. Chigryai and I. P. Nikitin
Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and
Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences
The paper is
received on April 20, 2016
Abstract. A method is proposed for measuring small concentrations of oil
products in water. The device represents a plate of a dielectric material that
is in contact with an anisotropically conducting film on one side and adjoins a
medium under test on the other side. It is shown that the application of an
anisotropically conducting film in the device allows to adjust the device by a
simple rotation of the anisotropy axis of the film, thus providing the maximum
sensitivity to small concentrations of oil in the medium.
Key words:
dielectric properties, anistropically conducting film, measurement
of small concentrations of oil in water.