Using the finite element method a numerical study of the matching
and radiation characteristics of two types of UWB two-dimensional periodic planar
arrays of TEM horns is conducted. The first type is regular TEM horn array, the
second type is array of TEM horns with the partially metallization space
between the horns. An infinite two dimensional planar array and a 36-element
array (6x6 elements) are investigated. It is shown that two types of infinite
planar in-phase arrays are matched in the frequency bandwidth more than 1:40, and
36-element array - in the frequency bandwidth more than 1:10. At the scanning regime
the operating frequency bandwidth of the arrays is narrowed both by matching
and growth of the side lobes, as a result of which the frequency bandwidth of
the infinite array of the first type is retained only in the sector of 90x30
degrees, the infinite array of the second type only in the sector of 60x60
degrees, where the first angle refers to E plane, and the second - to H plane.
For the 36-element array of the first type, the frequency bandwidth is retained
scanning range of 30 degrees in E – plane, and for the 36-element array of the
second type the frequency bandwidth is retained in the scanning sector of 60x60
degrees. Special attention is paid to analysis of side lobes and backward
radiation of the arrays, the increase of which limits the operating frequency bandwidth
of the arrays.
Key words:
UWB antennas, planar antenna array, two-dimensional
array, scanning, backward radiation.
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