"JOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS" (Zhurnal Radioelektroniki ISSN 1684-1719, N 5, 2019

contents of issue      DOI  10.30898/1684-1719.2019.5.1     full text in Russian (pdf)  

UDC 621.318.2

Additional requirements to the parameters of magnetic periodic focusing systems for TWT with a small diameter of the span channel


 I. N. Afonin, A. U. Kivokurcev, A. M. Samylkin

Stock Company «Research-and-Production Enterprise «Almaz», Panfilova str. 1, Saratov 410033, Russia


The paper is received on April 26, 2019


Abstract. In this article, the authors consider methods for adjusting the magnetic periodic focusing system (MPFS) for traveling wave tubes (TWTs) for space applications. The article provides a brief analysis of the existing methods of MPFS and TWT analysis and adjustment. The method of correlation analysis for tuning the magnetic system and the classical tuning methods are considered. The authors point out the shortcomings of the existing methods of setting up the MPFS and suggest options for their elimination. The article considers the possibility of applying special requirements to the transverse magnetic field of the MPFS.
Special requirements can be of two kinds. The first is the introduction of a requirement for the maximum and minimum level of the transverse component of magnetic induction on the axis of the magnetic system. The second is the introduction of a requirement for the allowable difference between the values ​​of the transverse component of the magnetic induction of neighboring magnetic cells. In this case, it becomes possible to compensate for the defocusing effect on the electron flux of the transverse magnetic field in neighboring magnetic cells by finding their optimal azimuthal interposition. This technique can be used to adjust the millimeter-wave TWT, where problems are exacerbated by the miniature size of the retarding system.

The authors demonstrate the results of a practical experiment - to set up the MPFS using the new method requires, on average, 3 times less time and 10 times less shunt elements.

Keywords: magnetic permanent magnets, magnetic induction, focusing system, TWT, electron beam.


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For citation:

I. N. Afonin, A. U. Kivokurcev, A. M. Samylkin. Additional requirements to the parameters of magnetic periodic focusing systems for TWT with a small diameter of the span channel. Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics. 2019. No. 5. Available at http://jre.cplire.ru/jre/may19/1/text.pdf