"JOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS" (Zhurnal Radioelektroniki ISSN 1684-1719, N 11, 2018

contents of issue      DOI  10.30898/1684-1719.2018.11.9     full text in Russian (pdf)  

Interference immunity of reception of signals with quadrature amplitude shift keying in the presence of harmonic interference


G. V. Kulikov1, A. V. Nesterov2, A. A. Lelyuh1,3

1 MIREA – Russian Technological University, Vernadsky av. 78, Moscow, 119454, Russia

2 JSC Concern «Avtomatika», Botanicheskaya 25, Moscow, 127276, Russia

3 JSC «Moscow Research Institute of Radio Communications», Nizhegorodskaya 32, Moscow, 109029, Russia


The paper is received on November 8, 2018


Abstract. Quadrature amplitude modulation (M-QAM) signals, due to their spectral and energy characteristics, have long and successfully been used in the high-capacity digital data transmission systems, e.g., in the present-day satellite communication lines. Their use is also envisaged in various communications standards, namely, DVB-S and DVB-S2/S2X standards. Noise immunity of received M-QAM signals against the backdrop of white Gaussian noise are well characterized. In real data transmission radio systems the receiver input along with the noise may have other kinds of interference, both, casual and intended. Harmonic interference is one of the most commonly known, e.g. an interfering narrow-band signal from an adjacent radio station. Harmful effect of such interference on the quality of received data was proved by some studies.

The article gives an example where the receiver input is characterized as having an additive mix of M-QAM wanted signal, white Gaussian noise and harmonic interference which is intensive and mistuned relative to the wanted signal central frequency and random phase. Noise immunity of received signals was analyzed using statistical radio-engineering methods. For this purpose, statistical characteristics of the processes distributions at the outputs of correlation receiver’s integrators, conditional noise in terms of initial random phase, were calculated. The distributions of all mentioned random processes accounting for a white Gaussian noise present at the demodulator’s input were taken as normal. Then, by averaging over the interference’s random initial phase the dependencies of a bit error probability from the signal-to-noise ratio, interference intensity and its mistuning relative to the wanted signal’s central frequency were obtained.

It was demonstrated that a signal receiver with a quadrature amplitude modulation of small sizeÌ≤16 is quite stable to the action of harmonic interference, and the higher is the signal size the lower is the noise immunity of received signals against harmonic interference, even with the low levels of noise.

The harmful influence of interference is most noticeable, when enters the main beam of the signal spectrum. The most dangerous is a targeted harmonic interference the frequency of which coincides with the central frequency from the wanted signal’s spectrum. Noise compensation or rejection algorithms shall be used to improve the noise immunity of received M-QAM signals against the backdrop of harmonic interference.

Keywords: bit error probability, harmonic interference, quadrature amplitude shift keying, interference immunity.


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For citation:
G. V. Kulikov, A. V. Nesterov, A. A. Lelyuh. Interference immunity of reception of signals with quadrature amplitude shift keying in the presence of harmonic interference. Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics. 2018. No. 11. Available at http://jre.cplire.ru/jre/nov18/9/text.pdf

DOI  10.30898/1684-1719.2018.11.9