Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2021. №11

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30898/1684-1719.2021.11.9

UDC: 621.396, 535.4


The interferometric system mathematical model development for the Doppler frequency shift determination


B. A. Barabolya, D. D. Gabrieljan, S. V. Karavaev,  A. V. Petukhov, A. G. Prygunov


Federal State Unitary Enterprise «Rostov-on-Don Scientific Research Institute of Radio Communication»


344038, Rostov-on-Don, Nansena st. 130.


The paper was received October 1, 2021


Abstract. This work presents the result of the received signal measuring system for processing Doppler frequency theoretical research. In the researching device means of controlling laser frequency whose amplitude is proportional to the Doppler frequency shift of the received RF signal is realized. The coherent laser beam is divided in two forming interference pattern. In this case, one of the beams passes through the delay line, which leads to a phase shift in the optical wave. The rate of this phase shift is proportional to the laser frequency, changes in which cause corresponding changes in the interference pattern. Changes in the interference pattern in center analysis makes it possible to determine the changes of the laser frequency, which depends on Doppler frequency shift of the received RF signal.  In this work opposition of the requirements for the Doppler frequency shift determination interferometric system parameters (the coefficient of proportionality to conversion Doppler frequency shift of the received RF signal in laser frequency and time delay) is discovered: large dynamic measurement range and high Doppler frequency shift measurement resolution. The processing the received RF signal method is proposed. This method take into consideration these requirements. The proposed measurement algorithm implements the multiscale principle. It is pointed that the proposed processing the measurements results method can be implemented both the parallel processing in channels with different values of conversion coefficients, and sequential – with their iterative change.

Key words: Doppler frequency shift, interferometric system, Doppler frequency measuring system, dynamic range, measurement resolution.


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For citation:

Barabolya B.A., Gabrieljan D.D., Karavaev S.V., Petukhov A.V., Prygunov A.G. The interferometric system mathematical model development for the Doppler frequency shift determination. Zhurnal Radioelektroniki [Journal of Radio Electronics] [online]. 2021. №11. https://doi.org/10.30898/1684-1719.2021.11.9 (In Russian)