Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2023. 11

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Improving the performance and fault tolerance
of circuit CAD systems based on the methods
of diacoptics and automation
of managing multi-tenant components


V.N. Gridin1, V.I. Anisimov1,2, S.A. Vasilev1


1Design Information Technologies Center RAS,
143000, Russia, Odintsovo, Marshala Biryuzova str., 7a.

2St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University,
197022, Russia, St. Petersburg, Professora Popova str., 5.


The paper was received August 25, 2023.


Abstract. An approach to building automated control of multi-tenant components of information systems is described. The main advantages of using discretizing multi-tenant shells for building distributed information systems are reflected and justified. Methods for managing the infrastructure of a distributed system as a code are given. Technologies and their settings for automating management at different stages of the life cycle of a software system built on the basis of discretizing multi-tenant shells are presented. The solution to the problem of dual use of the process manager in a container based on the Linux operating system in a manual and automated version in the context of managing life cycle stages using the CI / CD approach is described. A technique for modeling weakly coupled electronic circuits based on the technology of calculating large electronic circuits in parts is proposed, by selecting weakly coupled subcircuits between which there are no inductive connections and the condition for the concentration of control and controlled variable dependent sources within a separate subcircuit is met. It is shown that the implementation of the diacoptic approach to modeling large loosely coupled circuits significantly increases the productivity of the computational process, which is especially important in the development of distributed computer-aided design systems. It is proposed to build and transform the description of the simulated circuit to use generalized signal graphs that display the equations of the circuit in a generalized cause-and-effect form.

Key words: schemes of automated design, modeling schemes, generalized signal graph, diakoptiki methods, life cycle, multitenancy, microservice architecture, CI/CD.

Financing: the work is carried out within the framework of topic no. FFSM-2019-0001.

Corresponding author: Vasilev Sergei Alekseevich


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For citation:

Gridin V.N., Anisimov V.I., Vasilev S.A. Improving the performance and fault tolerance of circuit CAD systems based on the methods of diacoptics and automation of managing multi-tenant components. // Journal of Radio Electronics. – 2023. – №. 11. (In Russian)