Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2024. №11
Full text in Russian (pdf)
Statistical synthesis and analysis
of comprehensive parameters estimation algorithms
V.I. Parfenov , A.A. Kalininskii
Voronezh State University,
394018, Russia, Voronezh, Universitetskaya pl., 1
The paper was received June 16, 2024.
Abstract. In this article comprehensive decision-making algorithms regarding estimates of radiation parameter from research object, based on information received at the central node from spatially distributed sensors of a wireless sensor network, is developed. During the statistical synthesis of algorithms, it was assumed that the shape of the signal from the research object is known and it arrives to sensors combined with white Gaussian noise. The article shows that the structure of comprehensive unknown parameter estimation algorithms significantly depends on the characteristics of the estimates made regarding this parameter in each individual sensor. Two approaches to algorithm synthesis were used. One of them is based on the problem of comparing statistical hypotheses. The second one is based on researching for the position of the absolute maximum of the decision statistics. For both algorithms, using computer modeling, we obtained the dependences of the dispersion of comprehensive parameter estimation on the signal-to-noise ratio, the number of bits allocated to represent the estimate and number of sensors. Optimal and quasi-optimal algorithms, synthesized both for “normal” estimates and for estimates with anomalous errors is studied. Conditions that ensure increased accuracy of comprehensive estimates using synthesized algorithms is identified. Recommendations on the possible application of the results and further directions for the development of research are formulated.
Key words: wireless sensor network; comprehensive estimation of parameters; quantization; likelihood function.
Corresponding author: Parfenov Vladimir Ivanovich,
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For citation:
Parfenov V.I., Kalininskii A.A. Statistical synthesis and analysis of comprehensive parameters estimation algorithms in wireless sensor networks. // Journal of Radio Electronics. – 2024. – №. 11. (In Russian)