Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2024. №11


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The noise immunity of IEEE 802.15.4 standard
radio communication systems under interference effect
of wideband noise


Yu.E. Korchagin, K.D. Titov, Yu.G. Petrov, P.A. Kondratovich


Voronezh State University
394018, Russia, Voronezh, Universitetskaya str., 1


The paper was received June 24, 2024.


Abstract. The simulation model of a radio communication channel of IEEE 802.15.4-2020 and IEEE 802.15.4z-2020 standards is developed using the MATLAB. A developed model estimates bit error rate under interference effect of noise with different bandwidth and distance between central frequency of the clutter signal and central frequency of the useful signal. The noise immunity of radio communication systems based on IEEE 802.15.4-2020 and IEEE 802.15.4z-2020 standards under interference effect of wideband noise with different useful signal overlap is investigated. The comparison between the noise immunity of different standard modes is performed. The obtained results of noise immunity estimation can be used for development of perspective ultra-wideband radio communication systems and increasing the efficiency of existing radio communication systems.

Key words: wireless networks, WPAN, ultra-wideband signal, UWB, IEEE 802.15.4, noise immunity, wideband noise, bit error probability, bit error rate.

Financing: This work is supported by the Russian Science Foundation under grant 23-21-00452,

Corresponding author: Titov Konstantin Dmitrievich,


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For citation:

Korchagin Yu.E., Titov K.D., Petrov Yu.G., Kondratovich P.A. The noise immunity of IEEE 802.15.4 standard radio communication systems under the interference effect of wideband noise. // Journal of Radio Electronics. – 2024. – № 11. (In Russian)