Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2024. ¹11


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Comparative Analysis Of The Metabolites Composition
For Cyst Tissues Of Various Life Support Systems
By High-Resolution THz Spectroscopy


V.L. Vaks1,2, V.A. Anfertev1,2, E.G. Domracheva1,2, M.B. Chernyaeva1,2,
A.A. Ayzenshtadt1,3, K.A. Glushkova1,3, A.S. Cherniaeva1


1Institute for Physics of Microstructures of RAS
603950, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, GSP-105

2Lobachevsky University
603022, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, Gagarina av, 23

3Children Clinical Hospital ¹1
603081, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, Gagarina av, 76


The paper was received December 5, 2024.


Abstract. The work is devoted to the study of the chemical composition of tissue metabolites for the organs of the ear, throat and nose and various life support systems by high-resolution THz spectroscopy on the example of samples of relatively healthy mucous membranes and cysts of the paranasal sinuses, as well as the shell of the renal cyst and median cyst of the neck. A high-resolution THz spectrometer with phase manipulation developed by the authors, operating in the 115-178 GHz range, was used. The chemical compounds were identified by absorption lines using electronic databases. Rotational absorption lines of alcohols, nitriles and organosulfur compounds are detected both in the spectra of samples of relatively healthy mucous membranes and in the spectra of cystic tissues. However, in the spectra of a relatively healthy mucous membrane, the number of absorption lines of some of these chemicals is less than in the spectra of cysts, which indicates their lower concentration. In addition, during thermolysis of cystic tissue samples, substances such as ketones, organic acids, aldehydes, and nitriles are formed, which can be considered as potential biomarkers of the pathological state of the tissue. A comparative analysis of the spectra of the maxillary sinus cyst, the shell of the kidney cyst and the median cyst of the neck showed that they are similar with minor differences. Identification of similar substances in tissues with the same pathology, but in different life support systems of the body, may be the first step towards determining the metabolic profile of this pathology as a whole. Thus, the potential possibility of using high-resolution THz spectroscopy to analyze the metabolic composition of tissues of various life support systems is shown.

Key words: High-resolution THz spectroscopy, tissue metabolite, cyst, ear-nose-throat organs, life support system, chemical composition, products of thermal decomposition.

Financing: This research was funded by the Russian Science Foundation, grant No. 24-19-00623,

Corresponding author: Domracheva Elena Georgievna,


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For citation:

Vaks V.L., Anfertev V.A., Domracheva E.G., Chernyaeva M.B., Ayzenshtadt A.A., Glushkova K.A., Cherniaeva A.S. Comparative analysis of the metabolites composition for cyst tissues of various life support systems by high-resolution THz spectroscopy. // Journal of Radio Electronics. – 2024. – ¹. 11. (In Russian)