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УДК 621.371:550.837.6



В. Ф. Янушкевич

Полоцкий государственный университет, 11440, Беларусь, Новополоцк, Блохина, 29


Статья поступила в редакцию 5 августа 2017 г.


Аннотация. В статье приводится анализ поверхностного импеданса  среды над углеводородными залежами  в режиме радиоимпульсных сигналов. Выведены компоненты поверхностного импеданса анизотропной среды над залежью в режиме радиоимпульсных сигналов на основе квазигидродинамического подхода с использованием многочастичных электронно-ионных токов. Проведен анализ амплитуд и фаз компонентов поверхностного импеданса среды над углеводородами. Показано, что результаты исследований могут быть использованы для идентификации среды над залежами по характеру и величине амплитуд и фаз компонентов поверхностного импеданса анизотропного слоя.

Ключевые слова: радиоимпульсный сигнал, анизотропная среда, углеводородная залежь, поверхностный импеданс.

Abstract. The article analyzes the surface impedance of the medium over hydrocarbon deposits in the regime of radiopulse signals. The components of the surface impedance of an anisotropic medium above the deposit in the mode of radiopulse signals are derived on the basis of the quasihydrodynamic approach using multiparticle electron-ion currents. The amplitude and phase analysis of the components of the surface impedance of the medium over hydrocarbons is undertaken. It is shown that the results of the investigations can be used to identify the environment over deposits by the nature and magnitude of the amplitudes and phases of the components of the surface impedance of the anisotropic layer. The components of the surface impedance of anisotropic media above hydrocarbon deposits in the mode of radio-pulse signals can be determined in a wide range of probed signals frequencies, dielectric permittivities and conductivities of the media. The frequency response of the surface impedance component is determined to possess the resonance points in which the amplitude of the medium resistance over hydrocarbon deposits has a pronounced minimum that can be used to identify the media. When the dielectric constant of the medium changes, the components of the surface impedance change with the alteration of both sign of the amplitude and phase of the component, which can be used to develop methods for electromagnetic exploration, search and identification of hydrocarbon deposits. The analysis of the interaction of impulse signals with the medium over hydrocarbon deposits showed that the components of the surface impedance possess both capacitive and inductive character of the resistance. All these lead to the expansion of the functional dependences of the components of the surface impedance on the probing modes, which makes possible to improve the accuracy of the hydrocarbon deposit search methods being developed.  Electromagnetic methods for the search and identification of hydrocarbons can be improved by obtaining information about objects not only through one or two information channels, but also through the larger amount of them, which allows us to identify hydrocarbon boundaries against the backdrop of the underlying medium with a sufficiently high level of reliability. The results of the study can be applied in search geophysics.

Key words: radiopulse signal, anisotropic medium, hydrocarbon deposit, surface impedance.

Ссылка на статью:

В. Ф. Янушкевич. Поверхностный импеданс анизотропной среды над углеводородными залежами в режиме радиоимпульсных сигналов. Журнал радиоэлектроники [электронный журнал]. 2017. №10. Режим доступа: http://jre.cplire.ru/jre/oct17/2/text.pdf