"JOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS" (Zhurnal Radioelektroniki ISSN 1684-1719, N 10, 2019

contents of issue      DOI  10.30898/1684-1719.2019.10.5     full text in Russian (pdf)  

UDC 621.382

On the relationship between the local electroluminescence parameters of green InGaN LEDs and the parameters of the I-V characteristics and low-frequency noise in the currents range corresponding to the appearance of luminescence


I. V. Frolov 1,2, O. A. Radaev 1,2, A. A. Gavrikov 1, V. A. Sergeev 1,2

1 Ulyanovsk Branch of Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences,vGoncharov st. 48/2, Ulyanovsk 432071, Russia

2 Ulyanovsk State Technical University,vSevernyy Venets 32, Ulyanovsk 432027, Russia


The paper is received on October 7, 2019

Abstract. A model of the relationship between the steepness K of the P-I characteristic of the LED measured in the microcurrent range and the defects concentration in the heterostructure of the LED is presented. According to the model, the higher the current causing the luminescence, the more defective is the structure. The P-I characteristic of such LEDs has a large steepness. An experimental verification of the correlation between the average value and the heterogeneity degree of the K parameter distribution over the chip area with the defectness degree of the heterostructure using commercial InGaN green LEDs was carried out. The degree of the heterostructure defectness was estimated indirectly by the low-frequency noise level SI and the non-ideality coefficient of the I-V characteristic m. The distribution profile of the steepness of the P-I characteristics over the LED chip was determined as the ratio of the intensities of the chip images at currents of 500 nA and 5 μA obtained by a Levenhuk D320L digital microscope camera. The inhomogeneity of the steepness distribution of the P-I characteristic was estimated based on the mean square deviation σ normalized to the average value of the parameter Kav over the chip. We determined a strong correlation between the parameters Kav SI and Kav m (the correlation coefficient ρ is 0.93 and 0.89, respectively) and a weak correlation between the parameters σ/ Kav m (ρ = 0.42). The results can be used for identification local areas of LED chip with increased defectness.

Key words: InGaN-based LED, electroluminescence, P-I characteristic, steepness of the characteristic, I-V characteristics, low-frequency noise, correlation.


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For citation:

I. V. Frolov, O. A.. Radaev, A. A. Gavrikov, V. A. Sergeev. On the relationship between the local electroluminescence parameters of green InGaN LEDs and the parameters of the I-V characteristics and low-frequency noise in the currents range corresponding to the appearance of luminescence. Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics. 2019. No. 10. Available at http://jre.cplire.ru/jre/oct19/5/text.pdf

DOI  10.30898/1684-1719.2019.10.5