оглавление выпуска         DOI  10.30898/1684-1719.2019.10.8     текст статьи (pdf)   

УДК 612.396.674.1



В. В. Головин, Ю. Н. Тыщук, Ю. П. Михайлюк, И. Л. Афонин

Севастопольский государственный университет, 299053, Севастополь, ул. Университетская, д.33


Статья поступила в редакцию 8 октября 2019 г.


Аннотация. В статье представлены результаты разработки и исследования малогабаритной антенны земной станции системы INMARSAT-C с ненаправленной в верхнем полупространстве и равномерной в азимутальной плоскости диаграммой направленности, с близкой к круговой поляризацией поля излучения в пределах всего верхнего полупространства. Представлены результаты численного моделирования характеристик антенны с учётом элементов конструкции.

Ключевые слова: спиральная антенна, ненаправленное излучение, круговая поляризация, INMARSAT-C антенна.

Abstract. This paper presents the results of the development and theoretical investigation of compact weakly directional antenna of ship earth station system INMARSAT-C, which differs from the known prototypes by especially qualitative characteristics of the circular polarization field.

The antenna design is based on the four-pass spiral structure with quadrature emitter excitation. Helix emitters are characterized by geometric parameters: the initial and final winding angle of spirals βi and βf, the diameter of the cylinder d, the number of turns of spirals n. The following values are experimentally obtained: βi =13o.... 15o; βf =27o.... 33o; d=(0.18...0.26)λ0; n=1...2. The excitation mode of spiral emitters provides the formation of circular polarization, which is opposite to the winding direction of spiral emitters in the direction of rotation.

A distinctive feature of the developed antenna is that due to the use of irregular winding angle radiating helical structures antenna operation mode is formed, which provides the highest quality polarization characteristics. On the each of the helical conductors the amplitude-phase current distributions are formed. They characterized by current antinodes in two regions. While the one region determines the radiation field with circular polarization in the direction of the axis Z, the other region determines the radiation field with circular polarization in the directions close to the plane XY. In this case, the antenna is characterized by enough uniform radiation in the upper half-space of the field with polarization as close to circular as possible.

We investigated the radiation characteristics and input characteristics of the antenna in CAD in the frequency range 1.53 — 1.65 GHz, taking into account the influence of the dielectric material of the support cylinder and the radioparent cover. It is shown that in the vertical plane the antenna is characterized by the radiation pattern of the width 180° at the level of -3 dB and a high ellipticity coefficient within the entire upper half-space. In this case, the antenna is characterized by high-quality matching at the inputs of spiral emitters with VSWR ≤ 1.5.

Key words: helical antenna, omnidirectional radiation, circular polarization, INMARSAT-C antenna.



Для цитирования:

В. В. Головин, Ю. Н. Тыщук, Ю. П. Михайлюк, И. Л. Афонин. Антенна судовой земной станции системы INMARSAT-C. Журнал радиоэлектроники [электронный журнал]. 2019. № 10. Режим доступа: http://jre.cplire.ru/jre/oct19/8/text.pdf

DOI 10.30898/1684-1719.2019.10.8