"JOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS" (Zhurnal Radioelektroniki ISSN 1684-1719, N 9, 2019

contents of issue      DOI  10.30898/1684-1719.2019.9.5     full text in Russian (pdf)  

Autoelectronic cathodes of carbon materials for use in cathodoluminescent light sources


H. H. Majmaa

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University), 9 Institutsky Per., Dolgoprudny, Moscow region 141700, Russia


The paper is received on July 17, 2019


Abstract. The purpose of the research is to make a comparative analysis of quantum dots of a similar structure: CdZnS / ZnS and CdZnS / ZnS (GT), emitting at a wavelength 390nm, as a cathode luminophore. Their difference lies in the silicone modifier. As a result of the study, data show that the lifetime of the quantum dot is still insufficient, and the use of silicone modifiers allows increasing the lifetime of the quantum dot, which can potentially be used in the future when creating more promising samples.

Keywords: ultraviolet, light sources, quantum dots, cathode luminescence, autoemission, CdZnS / ZnS.


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For citation:

H. H. Majmaa. Autoelectronic cathodes of carbon materials for use in cathodoluminescent light sources. Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics. 2019. No. 9. Available at http://jre.cplire.ru/jre/sep19/5/text.pdf

DOI  10.30898/1684-1719.2019.9.5