Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2023. №9
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IR spectral range small-sized laser-fiber fluorimeter
for a luminescent photodiagnostics of tumors
S.V. Marechek, E.P. Novichikhin, I.P. Shilov, A.S. Gorshkova
Kotelnikov IRE RAS, Fryazino branch
141190, Russia, Moscow Region, Fryazino, Vvedenskogo Sq., 1
The paper was received June 1, 2023.
Abstract. The results of the development of a small-sized laser fiber fluorimeter in the IR spectral range for a luminescent photodiagnostics of superficial localization tumors are presented. This device, working in conjunction with the “Fluroscan” type pharmaceutical composition based on the 2,4-di(α-methoxyethyl)deuteroporphyrin IX ytterbium complex dipotassium salt, ensures the achievement of high values of the luminescent diagnostic contrast index for a neoplasm/normal tissue. Import substitution of some basic design elements of the developed device, in particular the photodiode module, was carried out with a domestic analogue.
Key words: small-sized laser-fiber fluorimeter, photodiode module, laser, fiber-optic probe, ytterbium porphyrins complexes.
Financing: The work was carried out according to the State Order of the Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics RAS № 075-01110-23-01.
Corresponding author: Shilov Igor Petrovich,
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For citation:
Marechek S.V., Novichikhin E.P., Shilov I.P., Gorshkova A.S. IR spectral range small-sized laser-fiber fluorimeter for a luminescent photodiagnostics of tumors. // Journal of Radio Electronics. – 2023. – №. 9. (In Russian)