Temperature characteristics of magnetostatic surface waves in the
yttrium iron garnet film-rare earth magnet system
V.V. Shagaev, Tun Tun Lin
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Kaluga Branch
The paper is received on November 23, 2014
Abstract: Conditions of thermostabilization of the surface
magnetostatic wave frequencies taking into account the temperature dependence
of the magnetic bias field and the magnetic parameters of the ferrite films are
defined. The results of experimental research in which a permanent magnet with
a positive temperature coefficient of spontaneous magnetization was used are
given. It is
established that the thermocompensating influence of a magnetic anisotropy
field of a ferrite film and a field of a permanent magnet substantially
increase the value of the surface wave thermostable frequencies.
Key words: magnetostatic
wave, ferrites, yttrium iron garnet, magnetic anisotropy, magnetization,
temperature coefficient of frequency.