Gamma irradiation light-output power of red and yellow
A. V. Gradoboev 1,2,
K. N. Orlova 1,
I. A. Asanov 2
Tomsk Polytechnical
University, Urga branch
Scientific Institute
of Semiconductor Devices, Tomsk
April 19, 2013
Abstract. Research results of red (630 nm) and yellow (590 nm) InGaAlP
heterostructures are presented as an example the light-emitting diodes under
irradiation by gamma rays 60Со. An operating mode is passive.
The process of degradation light output power
is shown in two stages. In the first stage decrease
is caused by first type center of nonradiative recombination. It is possible, first type is explained reorganization of
existing defect structure. The second type is explained to injection of
the centers of purely radiative origin. It is postulated, that light
output power decreases proportionally dose
gamma-irradiation and inversely operating current.
heterostructures AlGaInP, radiation hardness, light-emitting diodes.